Sunday, February 09, 2025

Tree Planting

img 4119 origAs an organization, we are aware of the effects environmental and climate change has in most of the areas in Kajiado South and the effects this can have on the livelihoods of our target groups and the entire community.

The increasingly changing climatic conditions has necessitated Matonyok organization to participate actively in promoting effective and sustainable environment use.

We have since January 2017 started an implementation of our strategic plan(developed in 2016) that lays a framework to enable planting trees in all schools in Kajiado South in phases from January 2017 to December 2018.

So far, in partnership with VSO-ICS and other organizations that work with the communities here; we have embraced an integrated plan in greening the environment towards an effort to have a conserved environment.

Apart from the obvious environment benefits; community uplift has been central to the project. For future plan, the schools around Kajiado south have committed themselves to providing adequate protection for the trees under a strategy " Every Child Adopt A Tree". As an organization, we have committed ourselves in availing enough tree seedlings to all school; depending on how a school can sustain the tree planting project. We are targeting to have 5000 trees planted by end of 2017 after which we shall start training women groups on how to plant trees at home, market places, meeting points and other key places.

Kajiado South is a semi-arid area that calls for plenty of water to enable the trees to survive and thus, to make this project realistic and achievable, all schools that have benefited and that will benefit from this project have been accessed on: Tree type best suited for the place; Water availability; and The Schools' capacity to manage the project. we have put plans in place to do a monitoring and evaluation of the progress of the trees to enable their sustainability. We are using the gains of education and advocacy to empower communities on environmental conservation with an effort to planting indigenous trees to advancing education on water and sanitation.

AGRO FORESTRY PROJECT Currently Matonyok organization is undertaking agroforestry project both in Kenya and Tanzania at Kikelelwa, lokoro, mkombero, mtamburu, rongai loitokitok, inkariak rongena and nkama villages growing avocados, aloifera, muringa, papaya and oranges. Our office is situated at kikelelwa few meters from kikelelwa primary school. Where we have our nursery (green house and shade house) which production of fruit trees are done.

The CEO of Matonyok organization meets Mr. Tomasso and Mr. Ricardo from Treedom for introduction and familiarization of the agroforestry project and agree on procedure of starting the project. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Mr. Lenana and Mr. Paul held a meeting with Mr. Moshi to introduce the organization and the activities of the organization and what we want to do .Mr. Moshi took us for the tour of the farm where we proposed to set up a nursery and a possible place for the office In the subsequent meeting Mr.Lenana ,Prof Nehemiah and Mr. Tommaso held a meeting with Tanzania authorities to introduce themselves and introduce the project.

The DC Hon madam Agnes Hokororo of Rombo district Kilimanjaro region visited the office to check progress and activities of the organization. SENSITIZATION MEETINGS Prof. Nehemiah, Mr.lenana and Mr. Tommaso held sensitization meetings with the communities on the importance and benefit of the project. Community members commit themselves by signing the memorandum of understanding with Matonyok organization witnessed by Treedom to assure their readiness for the project

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